Our Ministries
God calls all of us to live in community and deep fellowship with one another. Here at The Ridge, we strive to live out this commandment. Whether you have a need or the desire to enrich another's life, consider joining one of our many ministry options.
1 Thessalonians 5:14
And we urge you, brothers and sisters, warn those who are idle and disruptive, encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.
Prayer Ministry
We have an active prayer ministry! To request prayer: fill out the yellow card on Sunday morning, email your need to prayer-team@TheRidgeTucson.com, submit a form online on this website under the Contact Us page, speak with our pastors or Elders in person or by email or simply ask anyone wearing a name tag on Sunday.
Special Events
Church-wide gatherings remind us we are one family in Christ. Bringing together all generations in fellowship takes planning and coordination. Cindy Thompson leads us in connecting the pieces that knit our community together. Want to help with Ridge community events? Contact Cindy Thompson.
Security Ministry
Interested in keeping our church safe? Join The Ridge Security Team! For more information, contact an Elder!
Borrowed Time - Cancer Support
Borrowed Time is a cancer-support group offered by cancer survivors for women and their families at The Ridge. We feel called to walk alongside current patients sharing encouragement from God’s Word and the comforts of community with believers who truly understand. We listen and pray well! For more information, contact Cindy Thompson.
If you have a heart for feeding and welcoming people, we would appreciate your partnership at the Hospitality Table. Sign up and share a monthly snack to bless our hard-working servant leaders and congregation by contacting Heather York.
Worship Ministry
We believe God inhabits the praises of His people. Our worship style is not based on music alone but on living out worship through obedience and spiritual transformation. Worship goes way beyond singing a song on Sunday morning; it's living a Spirit-filled life praising and honoring Jesus Christ. For information about how to serve, contact Mark Caniglia.
Meals Ministry
When undergoing a stressful illness or a transition, for example, the birth of a child or the loss of a loved one, receiving a home-cooked meal can mean the world. We'd love to help in serving up the blessings! To request support or to share it contact
Hannah Butler.
Greeters & Communion
Want to welcome and connect newcomers on Sundays? Get on board with the greeting team to receive visitors, distribute bulletins, and serve Communion in the Body of Christ by contacting Paula Ojeda.
Technical Ministry
Operates sound, lights, projection, and recording each Sunday and also supports live-streaming and email groups. From setting up equipment and mixing sound to routing electronic player requests, “Tech” Ministry builds connections between people drawing our community closer. For information about how to serve contact For more information on serving in the tech ministry, contact anyone at the Tech Table on Sunday mornings.