Youth Ministry
Our Community
Youth ministry at the Ridge is our youth ministry program for students in junior high and high school. This is a fun-loving and welcoming group of students that have a deep desire to know God better.
Our Mission
We seek to save the lost, to equip the saved, and to send the equipped. God cares about the lost of every age. The gospel permeates, equips, and encourages the Body to do the work of God’s ministry; it’s how God uses us to save, equip, and send.
Upcoming Events
Youth Group
Youth meet every Wednesday night, 6:30-8:00 p.m., at PRCA, during the school year. They also perform special missions projects during school vacations and often travel to a summer youth camp.
Youth Retreats
Stay up to date with our annual retreats that happen throughout the year! These deepen relationships with God and each other. Contact Steve Johnson or check out our events calendar for more information.
Steve Johnson
Youth Ministry Director
Contact: or